Saturday, April 5, 2014

Rough Day

Do you ever feel like nothing you say or do makes the one person you love the most happy.  I have felt this way for about 2 years now and I dont know how to begin to explain what I want or need from this person anymore.  In public he treats me like Im a low life by cussing me out and yelling at me, and it gets worse when we are around people he knows.  At home it is different he is always giving me attitude for the littlest things I ask of him or ask him about.  When I disipline our children I am cussed at and told I am a bad mother but then he can turn around and do the same thing and it is ok.  I am cussed at for paying bills because then we do not have enough money for him to do what he wants but then I am cussed at if I dont pay the bills at all.  Is this verbal abuse?

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